Sunday, December 29, 2013

Mustad- Giant Tuna Hooks. Model 7734 sample size chart.

Here're six beasts encased into a A5 size cardboard chart, the Mustad 7734 Giant Tuna hooks ranging from size 6/0 to 11/0.

Forged along the shank till the tip of the point, it was therefore marketed as thrice times extra stronger than their regular steel i suppose. Knife edge point allowing easy penetration, which may also be sharpened using a stone. 

Built largely for commercial fishermen targeting various Tuna Species, some anglers may use these for other big game fish. This model of 7734 has no longer been in production for a long while, neither found in Mustad's latest catalogs too.  

J-shaped fish hooks such as this, have high occurrences of gut hooking marine creatures by being swallowed. As the results, un-targeted species like sea turtles are often critically wounded or killed due to J-hooks piercing into their throat/guts. 

Tuna populations are over-fished while some species under critical level before extinction. Limits & bans are imposed on some areas, meanwhile conservationists work to learn of their breeding patterns for sustainability. 

Fish farms are raising tuna species for the large consumers markets, in attempts to reduce fishing impacts on the depleting oceans wildlife.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Mustad Salmon hooks. Model 95160 Sample size chart.

This old display of salmon hooks, exhibits four sizes from 6/0 till 9/0. Stainless steel material, large ringed eye & wide gape.

New reference numbers for this model are 95160-SS. 
(SS- Stainless Steel)