Thursday, March 13, 2014

Mustad products, made in Singapore.

 Mustad company built a facility in Singapore during the early 1970's, manufacturing fishing tackles including lines & fish hooks for the region & internationally. The Singapore's factory produced hooks until 2007, when all productions are relocated into China.

A couple examples of fish-hooks, among the vast catalog of fishing products being made & distributed:

 Sales sample diagram of No. 2335 
(Mustad-Round Bent Sea Hooks)

Size number 18 in box of 100 pieces.

No. 2315
Spaded-end. (Flatted)

No. 2330. Size number 18
(Mustad-Kirby Sea Hooks)
100 Pieces

A new development during the later era, as chemical sharpening of hook points 
began to be used until today. 
Ref. 10829NPBL (SOI)

Moving along, circle hooks become more widely used. 

This is presumably among the last productions rolled out of Mustad's factory line
in Singapore. 
Ref. 39952NPBL
Demon (Fine Wire) Circle hooks. 

Some, mixed into those from various countries. 
Number 13. Maruseigo.